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Over 215M users love ASKfm! ASKfm is the #1 social network where you find out more about your friends by seeing their answers to questions you send their way. Ask anonymously or not. It’s entertaining, facile à utiliser, and you’ll be surprised how much you learn about other people and even yourself.

You can even ask Donald what is covfefe 🙂

Every day around the world, ASKfm users are asking and answering over millions of questions in over 40 langues. Once you open the app you can see all the questions your friends have answered and have fun answering questions others have sent to you. Here’s everything the ASKfm app has to offer:

• Ask questions to any friendanonymously or not.
• Follow friends to see all the questions they’ve answered.
• Instantly add photos or animated GIFs to any answer.
• View everyone that has liked your answers to questions.
• A safe environment where you can express yourself freely.
• Toggle off anonymous questions for anyone that annoys you.

Any issues or questions? Visit us at or ask us a question on ASKfm

Ask, chat and find new friends, people nearby and even your classmates on the Q&A social network ASKfm. You can sign in via Instagram, Facebook or Vkontakte. Stop spamming your friendsstories while asking for questions on Instagram. Real anonymous questions are only on ASKfm.

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Catégorie: Social
Système opérateur: Android
Prix: Libre



Improved app performance for faster and more reliable work. The only thing left is you giving it a try.

Avis d'utilisateurs / Opinion:

  • why don’t i get notifications for new questions? it doesn’t notify me until i open the app
  • I like the idea of the app. And the design. Everything is fine except of one thing: ASK asks anonymous questions by itself. And the grammar and spelling is horrible in these questions. Aussi, the questions are about inconsequential things noone cares about and noone is interested in. Some of the questions are even build up like they should start an argument. That is absolutely unacceptable. Please stop sending anonymous questions to the users, even if this might be the own way they go in the app and you get money. Stop it!
  • How can i log on,if i forgot my pass and also not connect with any social media,and i have a email, but i forgot the password too. I send help for askfm but no reply came Thankyou.
  • The app saysno internet connectionand I can’t log on from the application. Working on browser. Fix the problem asap! Or reply!

ASKfm file information

Nom du paquet: com.askfm
Version: 4.23 (1197)
Taille du fichier: 31.4 Mo
Actualisé: Août 15, 2018
Version Android minimale: Android 4.4 (Kit-Kat, API 19)

DOWNLOAD ASKfm 4.23 (1197) APK

Anciennes versions

ASKfm 4.21.1

Nom du paquet: com.askfm
Version: 4.21.1 (1160)
Taille du fichier: 30.6 Mo
Téléchargé: Juillet 27, 2018
Version Android minimale: Android 4.1 (Dragée, API 16)

ASKfm 4.20.1

Nom du paquet: com.askfm
Version: 4.20.1 (1136)
Taille du fichier: 39.4 Mo
Téléchargé: Juillet 4, 2018
Version Android minimale: Android 4.1 (Dragée, API 16)

ASKfm 4.19.1

Nom du paquet: com.askfm
Version: 4.19.1 (1111)
Taille du fichier: 61.6 Mo
Téléchargé: Juin 25, 2018
Version Android minimale: Android 4.1 (Dragée, API 16)

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