XYplorer v22.80 dla systemu Windows Pobierz 2024 (Urzędnik) Najnowszy

5/5 - (1 głosować)

XYplorer (znany również jako TrackerV3) to zaawansowany eksplorator plików, bardzo podobny do tego, który jest domyślnie dołączony do systemu Windows, chociaż znacznie bardziej funkcjonalny. If you are tired of lots of steps to know any kind of data or detail about your files, this is the application you need.

The program is divided in three areas: two columns in the upper area and one in the lower part. The lower part of the interface is the place where you’ll be able to view the information about the files you choose in the upper columns.

You can preview pictures, czcionki, videos and audio files. You can also edit iD3Tag of mp3 files.

XYplorer is a good alternative if you don’t want to use the original file explorer included in Windows. A bit different from the original, some more features for your PC.


Analyze each detail of your files

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