Clue – Трекер месячных APK ПОСЛЕДНЯЯ ВЕРСИЯ

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Загрузите Clue – Трекер месячных APK для вашего мобильного телефона Android, Планшет ИЛИ любое устройство Android с с прямой ссылкой

Clue predicts dates for your next period, PMS and the days you’re more or less likely to get pregnant. Are your moods related to your menstrual cycle? Just track in your period diary what you’d like to know more about, and Clue takes care of the rest. The period tracker you’ve been waiting for: Now You Know.

Clue is a period tracker, calculator and calendar, all-in-one:
+ Calculate when your next period is coming with the period calculator.
+ Receive a period reminder.
+ Receive PMS reminders.
+ Find the unique patterns of your menstrual cycle.
+ Know which days in your cycle that you’re more or less likely to get pregnant.
+ Receive fertility reminders when you’re approaching your estimated fertile window.
+ Track sex, pain, moods, cervical fluid, birth control pills and more.


Clue – Period Tracker APK file Information:

Имя файла:
Версия: зависит от устройства
Загружено: сен 18, 2016 в 12:05 Утра по Гринвичу+00 утра
Размер файла: 10.3М
Минимальная версия Android: 4.0.3 и вверх

Развиватьр: BioWink GmbH

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