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Download Decoration Text Keyboard v1.7 APK for your Android Mobile, Планшет ИЛИ любое устройство Android с AndroidFreeApks.com с прямой ссылкой.

Keyboard Professional Writing ornament from which you can ornament your writing different types of finishes and decoration .. directly using the keyboard without having to copy and paste the decoration will appear as you type directly and can switch easily between the motifs and writing English language parser with the ability to activate and deactivate the patterning and writing without it.



Decoration Text Keyboard Apk file Information

Имя файла:sami.pro.keyboard.free.apk
Загружено: Июль 28, 2016 в 13:30 по Гринвичу +00
Размер файла:8.7М
Минимальная версия Android:2.3 и вверх

Разработчик приложений: Sami4Apps

Download Decoration Text Keyboard v1.7 APK:

Older Version of Decoration Text Keyboard APK


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