Yo APK Последняя версия для Android

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Download Yo APK v1.6.1. If you often visit tech news websites like BusinessInsider.com or Venturebeat.com then you might have heard about “Эй”. Initially released in may 2014, Yo is the already trending on app stores and most talked about app in the market. There are more than 70 news articles released about Yo and what is does. Although a single line was enough to describe the app. its just says Yo’, that simple!

Download Yo APK for your Android Mobile, Планшет ИЛИ любое устройство Android с AndroidFreeApks.com с прямой ссылкой.

Эй 1.6.1 (111064087) АПК

The simplest & most efficient communication tool in the world. Yo is a system to convey meaning through a shared context that is established between the sender and recipient by an existing relationship.


What is Yo?

According to its author, Yo is the most efficient and simplest communication tool in the world.

Yo is a single-tap zero character communication tool.

Yo is everything and anything, it all depends on you, the recipient and the time of the Yo.

The simplest & most efficient communication tool in the world.

Yo is a single-tap zero character communication tool.
Yo is everything and anything, it all depends on you, the recipient and the time of the Yo.

Wanna saygood morning”? just Yo.
Wanna sayBaby I’m thinking about you”? – Эй.
I’ve finished my meeting, come by my office” – Эй.
Are you up?” – Эй.
The possibilities are endless.

Откройте приложение, tap Yo, that’s it.

Это так просто. Эй.

Aside from communicating with your friends and family you can also get Yo’s from what ever you like and interest you.

The Yo Indexsee what Yo’s you can subscribe to as provided by different websites and services. subscribe to what interest you and get notified on it. If you see a star next to the Yo, tap it to see the attachment.

Is it worth a try?

we think that it is dead. YO was exploding when it was released in 2014, but we see that the user interest is almost zero four years later in 2018. Но все равно, we have made the APK available on our website for you guys to try.

Информация об apk-файле YO:

Техническая информация о файле
Имя пакета: com.justyo
Версия: 1.6.1 (111064087)
Размер файла: 6.9 МБ
Обновлено: январь 27, 2018
Минимальная версия Android: Андроид 2.3.3 (Имбирный пряник, API 10)

Download Yo v1.6.1 (111064085) АПК:

Старые версии:

Download Yo 1.5.9 (111064085) АПК:

Имя файла: com.justyo-
Версия: Эй 1.11.4039 АПК
Загружено: Декабрь 19, 2015 в 4:55Вечернее время по Гринвичу +00
Размер файла: 924кб
Минимальная версия Android: Андроид 2.3.3+ (Имбирный пряник, API 10)

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