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Start your YouTube Live Stream in one click!

Mobizen Live is the easiest way to stream content to YouTube.

▶Game Live Streaming (شاشة), Camera Live Streaming (Vlogging) Broadcasting Available
▶Real-time Chatting, Facecam Supported
▶Full HD Live Broadcast: 1080ص, 60fps

Feel the thrill of having an interactive live broadcast today!

Mobizen Live Supported Features

Max FULL HD 1080p Resolution and 60 frames per second (60fps)
ㆍStream from anywhere without interruptions
ㆍStream your Mobile Screen or Camera

Private and Public Live Broadcasting Settings
Turn on/off your Facecam during Broadcast
Hide and Expose the Chatting Box

Start Broadcasting Easily with just your Phone

ㆍStream any Mobile Game through Mobile Screen Broadcasting to YouTube.
ㆍVlogging, Hot Issues, Eating Shows can be Broadcasting through Live Camera Streaming.

Chat with your Viewers in Real Time!

ㆍHave Exciting Live Conversations and Chatting with Viewers.
ㆍBroadcast to People around the World!
Share your Stream’s Link and Promote your Broadcast.
ㆍVividly Broadcast this Moment through your Facecam and Front Camera.
Broadcast Privately for only your Close Friends to see.

Whats new in Mobizen Live Stream for YouTubelive streaming Apk

?Applied the Android 9 Standard Guide
?Various Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes
?Thanks to all MobiCrew members for your love and support

معلومات ملف APK Blackmart

إصدار: (170700126) arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a + إلى x86 + إلى x86_64
طَرد: com.rsupport.mobizen.live
بحجم: 14.76 ميغا بايت (15,478,979 بايت) دقيقة: ذكري المظهر 5.0 (مصاصة, API 21) استهداف: ذكري المظهر 9.0 (فطيرة, API 28)

Download Mobizen Live Stream for YouTube Apk

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