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Download Flyperlink 1.39.RC1 APK for your Android Mobile, 직접 링크가 있는 AndroidFreeApks.com의 태블릿 또는 모든 Android 기기.

Flyperlink is a revolutionary web browser optimized for multitasking on mobile devices. Now also includes Chrome Custom Tabs.
While browsing your favorite apps, they often redirect you to links on the web. Opening these links will destroy your workflow with the current app.

Flyperlink avoids this by opening links in a floating browser that remains in front of your apps. Flyperlink uses a physical engine with smooth animations to give the best and most seamless user experience.

Flyperlink 1.39.RC1 APK Information

파일 이름: com.flyperinc.flyperlink.apk
버전: 1.39.RC1
업로드됨: 9월 9, 2016 ~에 16:16 오후 GMT+00
파일 크기: 3.6중
최소 안드로이드 버전: 4.0 그리고 위로

개발하다아르 자형: Flyperinc

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